The SustainZine has been blogging (although rather sporadically)
for 11 years. Wow!. One of the first blogs was related to an article (and a SAM
presentation) by Hall, Tayler, Zapalski and Hall (2009). It focused on
sustainability in Higher ED, specifically on how the facilities of universities
were doing sustainability initiatives but there were few actual classes on
Sustainability. The classroom, i.e., the future of sustainability was far
Later in 2010 Hall (2010) published an article on Lessons of recessions: Sustainability
education and jobs may be the answer. (SustainZine
Blog post here.) This article discusses the Great Recession of 2007-2008.
Make no doubt about the pandemic of 2020, it too was a recession so destructive
innovation has been (and will continue to be) the result.