Monday, October 14, 2024

Solar with Batteries vs. Generator: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

In the realm of backup power solutions, homeowners and businesses often find themselves choosing between traditional generators and modern solar systems with battery backup. While both options provide energy security during outages, their long-term costs and benefits differ significantly. In this case we are looking at a larger, whole-home sized generator and comparing it to a solar system that produces as much or more power. See table below for comparison of costs, savings and benefits.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

USA, The Overconsumer of Paradise

Despite comprising just 4.3% of the global population, the U.S. accounts for a staggering 32% of worldwide personal consumption. This statistic highlights the significant economic weight of American consumers, who drive demand both at home and abroad. However, it also underscores a profound social responsibility: as a dominant force in global consumption, U.S. consumers have the power to influence market trends, sustainability practices, and social equity. The choices made by American shoppers not only shape the economy but also have far-reaching implications for the planet and future generations.

Source: International Monetary Fund; United Nations as of December 2023.

Assistance of ChatGPT and Image by DALL-E (2024, Aug) with prompts by E. Hall.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Monarch & The Milk Weed ... to plant, or not to plant?

There is a pesty parasite that is killing the monarchs in all stages of their life cycle. The parasite is called OE for short. It appears that with a warming climate, the monarchs don't migrate and the non-native milkweed doesn't die back in the winter, especially in Florida. This seems to perpetuate the life cycle of OE and negatively impact the monarchs. 

Here are the recommendations from FNPS based on the best available science as to what to do. Mainly, rip out all of the non-native (Tropical) Milkweed, and only propagate native varietals. 

Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Global Weirding for a Hot n Heating Planet


Global Weirding for a Hot n Heating Planet

Q: Write an article that addresses these questions/topics... What do you call it when the hottest day recorded in centuries is exceeded by… the hottest day. When many months each year meet or exceed the hottest month in human history? When was a month of lower than "average" temperatures, and what do you call it when the extremes, planet-wide, are only on the hot side?

Gemini Advanced (2024, July)

Earth's Fever Spike: Redefining 'Normal' in a Warming World

In a stark reminder of the accelerating climate crisis, Earth has recently experienced a series of alarming temperature records.

The hottest day in recorded history has been surpassed multiple times within a matter of weeks. Months once considered exceptionally hot are now commonplace, raising questions about what constitutes "normal" in a rapidly changing climate.  

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Are Missing Love Bugs a Warning Sign?

Missing Love Bugs in Florida. E. Hall (2024, May)
with (very) little help from DALL-E (OpenAI).

As we go into Love Bug season in May,
seeing no lovebugs may leave us all
with mixed emotions:
happiness and dismay! 

[There have been some lovebug sightings, but not many... Let's see how the season goes.]

This is one of our GenAI assisted articles using an approach we call Regenerative Dynamic AI. (You can redo with your favorite GenAI at any time and link through to dynamically updated sources like Wikipedia: Lovebugs.) MS Copilot (2024, April) was used in this article because we wanted to more current Internet information.

You: What happened to the lovebugs in Florida?

Monday, April 22, 2024

Earth Day: Drawdown & GAI

 What does GenAI have to say about the scientific-based solutions promoted by Project Drawdown? (Another take on Earth Day using GAI.)

We employed our fav GenAIs to chat about Project Drawdown. This is the overview with the prompts. Please feel free to run GenAI chat with your own queries.

Q: Project Drawdown looks at the biggest places to make the greatest impact toward reducing human impact on the planet. What are the most impactful of these?

Q: What are the ways that someone of average income in the USA could make the most impact based on these top 10 solutions?

GenAI on Earth Day 2024: Overview

It is Earth Day, April 22.  Earth Day 54 since the first in 1970. (Earth Day Quiz below... Visit or Wikipedia: Earth Day for more.)

Wow. The population was about 3.7b, now more than 8b. But as worldwide life span increases and wealth increases so does lifetime consumption.

We employed our fav GenAIs to chat about it... and to generate some graphics. This is the overview with the prompts: there are two blog posts with GenAI chats: Part 1 and Part 2. Please feel free to run GenAI chats of your own.

GenAI on Earth Day 2024: Part 1

Earth Day, April 22.  See the OVERVIEW. This is Part 1 of 2 of the discussions with GenAI ChatBots.

GenAI on Earth Day 2024: Part 1

Q: What is the theme of Earth Day 2024? … And, generate a graphic that depicts this year’s Earth Day theme.

Q: Create an Earth Day article that incorporates this year's theme and include ways that GenAI might help?

Q: If GenAI were a world leader, what would it say about Earth Day?

#EarthDay #Sustainability #RE100 #ReduceReuseRecycle #RegenerativeDynamicArticle #RefractiveThinker #SustainZine 

You: Create an Earth Day article that incorporates this year's theme and include ways that GenAI might help?

GenAI on Earth Day 2024: Part 2

Earth Day, April 22.  See the OVERVIEW. This is Part 2 of 2 of the discussions with GenAI ChatBots.

GenAI on Earth Day 2024: Part 2

Q:  What is the consensus on how soon we have to phase off of fossil fuels and move to carbon neutrality?

Q: What are the key factors that agreements like the Paris agreement promote in order for the world to become carbon neutral? 

#EarthDay #Sustainability #RE100 #ReduceReuseRecycle 

#RegenerativeDynamicArticle #RefractiveThinker #SustainZine

Friday, March 22, 2024

Update to Sustainability WikiBook (Using the power of Generative AI)

It's been a while since the Perpetual Sustainability(tm) wikibook has been updated. The idea behind the book was that people could link through on each sustainability-related topic and find up-to-date information on the topic as only Wikipedia can provide -- the genius of crowdsourcing. We let ChatGPT 4.0 work on an update (and the graphic). What do you think?

YOU Q: Please generate an outline improved from the one attached that includes hyperlinks to each topic. Where appropriate include links to quality Wikipedia articles. Also, please utilize the WikiBook outline with Wikipedia hyper links by Hall from: